(비지니스/미국) 애플社 회장 팀쿡 反동성애法에 실망아름다운 인생/비지니스 2015. 3. 28. 14:04
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-32096052
Apple boss 'disappointed' by new Indiana religious law 애플 회장 인디아나 州에서 새로 발의한 종교법에 "크게 실망"
Many shops in Indiana are putting up stickers that condemn the Religious Freedom bill 인디아나州의 많은 점포들이 종교자유법안을 비난하는 스티커를 붙이고 있다
Apple's chief executive, Tim Cook, has joined other tech firms in denouncing a law passed in the US state of Indiana, which some argue could allow businesses to discriminate against gay and lesbian customers. 애플의 회장, 팀 쿡은 인디아나 주에서 통과된 법안을 거부하는 IT계열 회사들에 합류했다. 논쟁의 여지가 있는 이 법안에 의하면, 게이나 레즈비언 고객들이 차별을 당할 수 있는 소지가 있기 때문이다.
Governor Mike Pence signed a bill on Thursday that prevents the state from restricting a person's ability to exercise their religion. 주지사 마이크 펜스는 목요일 이 법안에 서명을 했다. 이 법안은 국가가 개인의 종교를 믿고 실천하는 바를 제한할 수 없도록 했다.
"We are deeply disappointed in Indiana's new law," Mr Cook tweeted. 우리는 인디아나 주의 새로 발의된 법에 크게 실망했다고, 쿡은 트윗터에 글을 남겼다.
"Apple is open for everyone". "애플은 모든 이에게 열려 있다."
Mr Cook, who publicly acknowledged his sexuality last October, saying that he was "proud to be gay", added in another tweet: "Around the world, we strive to treat every customer the same - regardless of where they come from, how they worship or who they love."
On Wednesday, tech executives wrote to Governor Pence, urging him to veto the bill, known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Among the signatories was Marc Benioff, the boss of US tech firm Salesforce, who subsequently announced that his company was cancelling "all programs that require our customers/employees to travel to Indiana to face discrimination".
'Opening floodgates' '수문을 열기'
Civil rights campaigners across the US have come out against the bill. 미 전역의 시민운동가들은 이 법안을 반대하고 있다.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said the law was "opening the floodgates to discrimination against LGBT people".
"The timing of this legislation is important to understanding its intent: The bill was introduced as a backlash reaction to achieving marriage equality for same-sex couples in Indiana," said Jane Henegar, executive director of the ACLU of Indiana.
However Indiana's governor insisted that the bill "is not about discrimination".
"If I thought it legalised discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it,"he said in a statement.
Nonetheless, business leaders in the state have condemned the law.
The Indiana Chamber of Commerce called the law "entirely unnecessary" and said the "reactions to it are not unexpected or unpredicted; passing the law was always going to bring the state unwanted attention".
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