
  • (남미/브라질) 브라질의 탄핵당한 女대통령 루세프와 관련된 몇 가지 중요한 질문
    국제문제/남미 2016. 9. 1. 17:53

    출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-36028117

    Brazil impeachment: Key questions 브라질의 탄핵당한 女대통령 루세프와 관련된 몇 가지 중요한 질문

    Dilma Rousseff says she will fight until the end

    The Brazilian senate has impeached Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff for illegally manipulating government accounts. 브라질 상원은 여대통령 딜마 루세프가 불법적으로 정부돈을 운용했다는 죄목으로 탄핵하는데 찬성했다.

    Here we take a closer look at the impeachment proceedings and how we got here.

    What was Ms Rousseff accused of? (1) 女대통령 딜마 루세프의 罪目은 뭔가?

    Brazil's Senate begins deliberating whether to permanently remove suspended President Dilma Rousseff from office, in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2016.Image copyrightAP
    Image captionThe final impeachment vote will be held in the Senate

    Simply put, Ms Rousseff was accused of breaking fiscal laws. 회계(재정)법 위반

    She was found guilty of moving funds between government budgets, which is illegal under Brazilian law. 브라질 현행법상 위법인, 정부예산을 마음대로 이리저리 움직이는 것을 행한 죄

    Her critics said she was trying to plug deficit holes in popular social programmes to boost her chances of being re-elected for a second term in October 2014. 2014년도 재집권을 위해 사회보장 예산에서 마구 돈을 빼내쓰다 부족해지니 그것을 메꾸려고 했었다. (plug: 부족한 것을 메우다) 

    Ms Rousseff denied having done anything illegal and said that moving money between budgets was common practice among her predecessors in office.

    Who wanted her gone? (2) 어떤 사람들이 그녀를 쫓아내려 했는가?

    Brazilian deputy Eduardo Cunha, former House Speaker, gestures during a session of the Committee on Constitution and Justice in Brasilia, Brazil July 12, 2016.Image copyrightREUTERS
    Image captionFormer lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha was the driving force behind the impeachment

    Ms Rousseff alleged that the impeachment proceedings were tantamount to a coup d'etat against her. 탄핵은 자신에 대한 쿠데타와 마찬가지.(allege: 주장하다) (tantamount to: ~에 버금가는, ~와 마찬가지인)  

    She said the proceedings were being used by her enemies to remove her from office without having to wait for the next presidential election.

    Her main rival and a driving force behind the impeachment was the former speaker of the house, Eduardo Cunha. 루세프의 정적이자 前의회 대변인 에두아르도 쿤하Cunha가 탄핵의 배후인물

    Mr Cunha's opponents said he was a political opportunist who had switched sides to increase his influence and that of his PMDB party.

    To back up their claim, they pointed to the fact that the PMDB stood to win from the suspension of Ms Rousseff.

    Under Brazil's constitution, the vice-president takes over on an interim basis if the president is suspended from office.

    That is how the PMDB's Michel Temer went from being Ms Rousseff's vice-president to inaugurating the Olympic Games as Brazil's acting president.

    However, things did not work out smoothly for Mr Cunha either. He had to resign in July over corruption allegations, which he denies. 쿤하Cunha도 7월 부패 혐의로 물러나야 했다.

    What do Brazilians think? (3) 일반국민들은 이번 사태를 뭐라고 생각하는가?

    In this Dec. 13, 2015 file photo, a woman holds a sign that reads in Portuguese; Image copyrightAP
    Image captionThere are many who want Dilma Rousseff barred from office

    Ms Rousseff's approval ratings have plummeted from their all-time high of 79% in March 2013 to about 10% in March 2016. 루세프의 지지율은 2013년 3월 79%에서 2016년 3월 10%대로 떨어졌다. (approval ratings: 지지율)

    There were mass demonstrations in major Brazilian cities demanding that she resign. 그 동안 그녀의 하야를 요구하는 데모들이 브라질 여러 도시에서 벌어졌다.

    But there were also smaller rallies in her support. 동시에 그녀를 지지하는 집회들도 있었다.

    Brazilian suspended President Dilma Rousseff gestures during a rally in Sao Paulo, Brazil on August 23, 2016.Image copyrightAFP
    Image captionBut she also has loyal supporters who continue to back her

    Many Brazilians said they were fed up with the high levels of corruption in Brazilian politics. 많은 브라질 사람들은 정치권의 지독한 부패에 심한 진저리를 앓고 있었다. (밝은 하늘: 이 점은 한국도 마찬가지다. 정치권과 사회전반에 만연된 부패, 그리고 해방이후 친일잔재 청산의 실패.) (be fed up with: ~로 진저리가 나다)

    But with some of the politicians who backed her impeachment also under investigation for either mismanagement or corruption, no party seems untouched by the allegations.

    What happened when? (4) 언제 그런 일이 벌어졌는가?

    The lower house of Congress voted on 17 April on whether impeachment proceedings against Ms Rousseff should go ahead.

    Infographic showing the stages taken to remove Rousseff from office

    In a late-night session, 367 out of 513 lawmakers voted in favour, comfortably reaching the two-thirds threshold needed for the matter to be passed to the Senate.

    A vote in the Senate followed in May, in which 55 senators voted in favour of the impeachment process going ahead and 22 against.

    Another vote was held in the Senate in August which the senators decided by 59 to 21 votes that there was enough evidence against Ms Rousseff to proceed to the trial phase.

    On 31 August, the Senate voted 61 to 20 in favour of Ms Rousseff's impeachment.

    What happens next? (5) 다음 차례는 뭔가?

    Michel Temer attends a ceremony with the Rio 2016 Olympic medallists, in Brasilia, on August 29, 2016.Image copyrightAFP
    Image captionMichel Temer will now be officially sworn in as president

    Michel Temer, who served as Ms Rousseff's vice-president and who has been the acting president since her suspension in May, will be officially sworn in as president later on Wednesday.

    He will serve out Ms Rousseff's term in office, which is due to end on 1 January 2019.

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