아름다운 인생/종교
(종교) 봉헌생활 동정녀회 (Consecrated Virgins)아름다운 인생/종교 2018. 12. 17. 17:21
출처: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45968315 Consecrated virgins: 'I got married to Christ'By Valeria PerassoSocial Affairs correspondent, BBC World Service7 December 2018Share this with Facebook Share this with Messenger Share this with Twitter Share this with Email Image copyrightTODAY’S CATHOLIC/JOE ROMIEJessica Hayes bought herself a wedding gown, a veil and..
(종교) 교황 프란치스코의 오늘의 세상에서 성화의 부르심에 대한 새 사도적 권고 GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE아름다운 인생/종교 2018. 4. 26. 13:30
출처: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20180319_gaudete-et-exsultate.html APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON THE CALL TO HOLINESS IN TODAY’S WORLD INDEX « Rejoice and be glad » [1-2] Chapter One THE CALL TO HOLINESS The saints who encourage and accompany us [3-5] T..
(종교) 가톨릭프레스: 교황, “평신도는 우리의 일꾼이나 피고용인이 아냐”아름다운 인생/종교 2018. 1. 19. 21:41
출처: http://www.catholicpress.kr/news/view.php?idx=4672# 교황, “평신도는 우리의 일꾼이나 피고용인이 아냐” - 칠레주교들과 만난 자리서 성직중심주의 타파 강조 끌로셰edit@catholicpress.kr기사등록 2018-01-19 18:55:12수정 2018-01-19 18:14:17 다음은 < Sala Stampa >의 1월 16일자 보도자료를 번역한 것입니..
(종교) 교황 프란시스 파티마 성모발현 주인공 두 아동 시성아름다운 인생/종교 2017. 5. 13. 21:34
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39904846( Pope Francis canonises two children at Portugal's Fatima shrine14 minutes ago From the sectionEuropeThese are external links and will open in a new windowShare this with Facebook Share this with Twitter Share this with Messenger Share this with Email Media captionPope Francis makes saints of Portuguese shepherd childrenPop..
(종교) MARY UNDER THE CROSS 십자가 아래 있는 마리아 by Ron Rolheiser아름다운 인생/종교 2017. 4. 15. 02:02
출처: http://ronrolheiser.com/mary-under-the-cross-6-of-6/#.WPD7FkXyjIU MARY UNDER THE CROSS (6 OF 6)by Ronald rolheiserAPRIL 2, 2006A A A [Last in a six part Lenten series on Mystical Images] One of the most popular images in all of scripture (an icon that’s been endlessly painted, sung, put into litanies, written up into poetry, and used to triggered every kind of pious ..
(종교) 이주민 난민을 어떻게 돌볼 것인가? How should we care for migrants and refugees?아름다운 인생/종교 2017. 3. 27. 05:55
출처: http://mediablog.catholic.org.au/how-should-we-care-for-migrants-and-refugees/ How should we care for migrants and refugees?Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana and Cardinal Orlando Quevedo from the Philippines to give keynote addresses at a national conference on pastoral care of migrants and refugees. Cardinal Peter Turkson. Image: ACBC. How should we care for migrants an..