(미국) 미국 前수영선수 마이클 펠프스 '음주운전'으로 경찰에 적발국제문제/북미 2014. 10. 4. 20:14
출처: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29434087
30 September 2014 Last updated at 20:09
US swimmer Michael Phelps 'arrested for drink driving' 미국 前수영선수 마이클 펠프스 '음주운전'으로 경찰에 적발
Phelps retired after winning an unprecedented 22nd Olympic medal in 2012 but has since returned to action 펠프스는 2012년 전례가 없는 22번째 올림픽메달을 획득한 후 은퇴했다가 복귀했다
US Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has been arrested for driving under the influence, authorities have said. 미국 올림픽 前수영선수 마이클 펠프스가 음주운전으로 체포되었다고, 경찰관계자는 말했다.
Police in Baltimore, Maryland, said he was stopped for speeding after being caught going 84mph (135km/h) in a 45mph zone early on Tuesday morning. 메릴랜드州 볼티모어 경찰은 그가 화요일 이른 아침 시속 45 마일 구간에서 시속 84 마일(135키로)로 달리다 붙잡혀 속도측정을 받았다고 전했다.
Mr Phelps was co-operative but failed a series of standard field sobriety tests, traffic police said in a statement. He was charged and released. 펠프스는 경찰에 협조적이었으며 일반적인 실외음주테스트를 통과하지 못했다고, 교통경찰은 말했다. 그는 기소된 뒤 풀려났다.
The most decorated Olympian ever, with 22 medals, later apologised on Twitter. 22개의 메달이라는 일찌기 가장 많은 금메달을 딴 올림픽 선수는 자신의 트위터에 잘못을 시인했다.
"I understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility," Mr Phelps wrote. "나는 내 행동의 심각성을 알고 있으며 큰 책임을 통감한다."고 펠프스는 적었다.
Phelps is the most decorated Olympian in history
"I know these words may not mean much right now but I am deeply sorry to everyone I have let down." "나는 이런 말이 지금 많은 걸 의미하지 않는다는 걸 안다. 그러나 실망을 끼친 모든 분들에게 진심으로 죄송하다."
Mr Phelps, 28, retired after winning his 22nd Olympic medal at the London Games in 2012 but came out of retirement earlier this year. 펠프스(28세)는 2012년 런던 올림픽에서 자신의 22번째 올림픽 메달을 딴 후 은퇴했다가 금년 초 복귀했다.
The Maryland Transportation Authority said Mr Phelps was driving a white 4x4 in Fort McHenry tunnel in Baltimore when the vehicle was caught on police radar at 01:40 local time (05:40 GMT).
Police said he was "arrested and charged with DUI [driving under the influence], excessive speed and crossing double lines".
The statement said Mr Phelps was co-operative throughout the process and was released after being charged.
Mr Phelps, who is from Baltimore County, was previously charged for driving under the influence in Maryland in 2004. He pleaded guilty to driving while impaired in exchange for 18 months' probation.
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