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論語 爲政 2-9 / 사생활동양고전/논어 2009. 5. 11. 14:00
論語 爲政 2-9 The Analects Weizheng 2-9 子曰(자왈), 吾與回(오여회), 言終日(언종일), 不違如愚(불위여우). 退而省其私(퇴이성기사), 亦足以發(역족이발), 回也不愚(회야불우). *發: 발휘하다. 밝히다. to elucidate, to make sth clear, to explain. The Master said, "Once I talked with Hui all day; he never contradicted me, as if stupid. When he le..