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論語 八佾 3-4 / 포장지와 포장물동양고전/논어 2009. 6. 4. 10:41
論語 八佾 3-4 The Analects Ba-yi 3-4 1) 林放問禮之本(임방문례지본). 子曰(자왈), 大哉問(대재문). 禮(례), 與其奢也(여기사야), 寧儉(영검). 喪與其易也(상여기역야), 寧戚(영척). 2) When Lin Fang asked about the essence of the rituals, the Master said, "What an enormous question! In the rituals, frugality is preferred to extravagance; in mourning, e..