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論語 學而 1-14 / 진정한 웰빙이란동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 22. 11:26
論語 學而 1-14 The Analects Xue'er 1-14 子曰(자왈), 君子食無求飽(군자식무구포), 居無求安(거무구안), 敏於事(민어사), 而愼於言(이신어언). 就有道而正焉(취유도이정언), 可謂好學也已(가위호학야이). The Master said, "The gentleman, in eating, does not seek satiety(=fullness to the point of excess; satisfaction), in dwelling, does not see..
論語 學而 1-13동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 21. 14:27
論語 學而 1-13 The Analects Xue'er 1-13 有子曰(유자왈), 信近於義(신근어의), 言可復也(언가복야), 恭近於禮(공근어예), 遠恥辱也(원치욕야), 因不失其親(인불실기친), 亦可宗也(역가종야). Master You said, "Only when your truthfulness is close to righteousness can you keep a promise; only when your respectfulness is close to the rituals can you ..