論語 學而 1-11 / 부모도 성장하고 있는 인간동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 20. 15:39
論語 學而 1-11 The Analects Xue'er 1-11 子曰(자왈), 父在(부재), 觀其志(관기지), 父沒(부몰), 觀其行(관기행). 三年(삼년), 無改於父之道(무개어부지도), 可謂孝矣(가위효의). The Master said, "When his father was alive, he observed his aspirations; when his father died, he observed his deeds. If, for three years, he does not change his father's Way, h..
論語 學而 1-9 / 감동은 말이 아닌 행동에서...동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 17. 11:30
論語 學而 1-9 The Analects Xue'er 1-9 曾子曰(증자왈), 愼終(신종), 追遠(추원), 民德歸厚矣(민덕귀후의). Master Zeng said: 'Show solicitude(=worry, concern, anxiety) for parents at the end of their lives and continue this with sacrifices when they are far away, and the people's virtue will be restored to fullness.' 증자왈, 부모에게 초상의 예를 다하고 먼 ..
論語 學而 1-8 / 처신(處身)의 문제: 내 몸을 어디다 어떻게 둘 것인가?동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 17. 11:29
論語 學而 1-8 The Analects Xue'er 1-8 子曰(자왈), 君子不重(군자부중), 則不威(즉불위). 學則不固(학즉불고). 主忠信(주충신), 無友不如己者(무우부여기자). 過則勿憚改(과즉물탄개). The Master said: 'If the gentleman is not grave, then he does not inspire awe. Even though he studies, he is not inflexible. He takes loyalty and good faith as his fi..
論語 學而 1-6 / 욕심이 시야의 균형을 잃게 만든다동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 16. 23:17
論語 學而 1-6 The Analects Xue'er 1-6 子曰(자왈), 弟子入則孝(제자입즉효), 出則弟(출즉제), 謹而信(근이신), 汎愛衆(범애중), 而親仁(이천인). 行有餘力(행유여력), 則以學文(즉이학문). The Master said: 'Young men should be filial when at home and respectful to elders when away from home. They should be earnest and trustworthy. Although they shou..
論語 學而(학이) 1-5동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 15. 10:34
論語 學而(학이) 1-5 The Analects Xue'er 1-5 子曰(자왈), 道千乘之國(도천승지국), 敬事而信(경사이신), 節用而愛人(절용이애인), 使民以時(사민이시). The Master said; 'In leading a country of a thousand chariots one deals reverently with the business and exercises good faith, one is economical in expenditure (=the act of expending) and displays love of oth..
論語 學而(학이) 1-4동양고전/논어 2009. 4. 15. 10:18
論語 學而(학이) 1-4 The Analects Xue'er 1-4 曾子曰(증자왈), 吾日三省吾身(오일삼성오신). 爲人謀而不忠乎(위인모이불충호). 與朋友交而不信乎(여붕우교이불신호). 傳不習乎(전불습호). Master Zeng said, 'Every day I examine my character in three respects: am I disloyal in my designs for others, am I untrustworthy in my dealings with friends, h..